SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo Bravo’. 30min continuous work 2min sandbag runX20 medicine ball lunges (10 each leg)X10 Dumbbell jumping squatsX10 box jumpsX20
Read MoreSIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo
SIXFEET WODs are provided to supplement your training. This is a drop-in workout you can use to shake things up or predicate specific goals. This WOD is built by SIXFEET affiliate ‘Bravo