June 2024: The Wedge, Class 001

5 mins read

The endurance, fortitude, physicality, cognition and emotional capacity needed to respond to crises are skills that can be actively trained. This June, The Wedge seeks to embolden a select group of participants in all areas of operational readiness. SIXFEET will host a remote class of intense personal development followed by an in-person conclusion at Three Oaks Cabin, in Florence, ON.

This training, event and experience will be completely free.

Participants can expect to be comprehensively challenged physically, emotionally and cognitively.

If you’re afraid of change, this probably isn’t for you.


Because this is our first session with an in-person component, there will be limited seats available. Because there will be limited seats available, there will be a selection process.

We’re aiming to make this type of training accessible to everyone who wants to participate. To enable that future, we need to test the structure, timing and logistics of this idea with a closed group. If you are not invited to go to this class, you will be invited to a class in the future.

Participants in Class 001 will be asked to provide feedback on their experience – both for future programming direction and for determining efficacy.

This program will offer remote opportunities by way of text chat and video chat. Tech needs would be common to anybody in 2024 – a phone or laptop will help you connect with the group.

Potential candidates should have a baseline degree of physical fitness. If you’re looking at this event via SIXFEET content on social media, you’re probably the type of person that is fit for this program. We’re not looking for star athletes – we’re looking for people who won’t quit.

This is not a fitness boot camp. You should be prepared when you arrive.

The in-person conclusion will span 12-16 hours on June 29, 2024. Two meals will be provided. In the future, we’re looking at overnight events. This first class will measure structure, timing and logistics.

Required Kit List

The in-person conclusion to Class 001 will require kit that each participant is responsible for bringing. This packing list will be inspected on your arrival and will predicate your ability to participate. Do not expect to be allowed to participate without this kit list. This kit list is subject to change.

You will be sent home if you do not have the items listed here.

  • Ruck (5.11, GoRuck, Military Surplus or equivilant. A JanSport bag is not a ruck. If you don’t know if your bag will fit, ask.)
  • Rough Use Clothing (These clothes won’t be destroyed but they will be dirty and sweaty. Dress for the weather, rain or shine.)
  • Change of Clothes (Something clean to change into.)
  • Sustainment (Calorie requirement TBD. Water. Something you can digest on the move.)
  • Journal or Paper Pad, Pen
  • A Box of Common Steel Nails.


Because this is our first event with an in-person component, we need to make sure of a few things. First, that seats are filled. Second, that we can collect statistical data by way of an exit survey among participants and last, that we’re hitting the mark as far as our mission goes – to provide real world resilience skills to first responders and adjacent populations.

That said – we will be hosting an application for this event. The application will be live on the last day of March and will be open for the entire month of April.

First responders, and people working in front line public service roles will be given preferred status. Participants from previous SIXFEET groups would be given preferred status.

If you are not selected for this event, fear not!

We’re hosting a smaller event this year to make sure it works – next year, we’ll draw a bigger crowd.

The program is designed to create feedback for participants. Meaningful, inspiring feedback. Through all facets of personal wellness, we’re trying to create momentum for participants with the hope that they’ll go out and inspire others. Maybe, with enough time, effort, pace and cadence, people who traverse The Wedge can create real-world impact.

That’s something worth aiming at.

Bill Dungey is a volunteer firefighter in Ontario, Canada. He is focused on fitness, mindset development and finding training opportunities to help the fire service make things better.

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